Activity of UAB “STEEL BRIDGES” is manufacturing of metal structures and parts thereof (class 25.11). A more precise description is production of metal structures for bridges, buildings and offshore structures. The company is constantly investing in new technologies, is currently implementing the project "Implementation of Renewable Energy Resources in UAB" Steel Bridges "", project no. 04.2.1-LVPA-K-836-04-0047. The project is implemented under the measure "Renewable energy resources for industry LT +" financed by the European Regional Development Fund. Up to EUR 100,218.09 of funding has been allocated for the implementation of the project to cover eligible costs. During the implementation of the project, the company plans to acquire and install a 250 kWp solar power plant on the roof of industrial buildings. Technical solutions are planned to be implemented by March 21, 2022. After the implementation of the project, with solar energy the company would be able to improve the management of electricity consumption and costs. It is a cost-effective solution for electricity, improving the company's competitiveness and protecting the environment. The company strives to be environmentally friendly and clean.